I always imagined that when I was pregnant, I would do everything right.  I’d eat super foods, take prenatal vitamins daily, exercise regularly and read all the books (shoots arm up with a mighty fist).   For the first 15 weeks of my pregnancy, I drank only sparkling apple juice, forced down bagels and cream cheese, and relentlessly chewed Trident …

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Routine getting you down? This is a Middle Eastern take on the classic & boring American hamburger. It’s very similar to the Persian-style kebab, koobideh (koob-ee-deh), but the shape of the patty is slightly different. The meat is so tender it melts in your mouth and the baharat gives the kebab a gorgeous aroma and …

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This salad comes from Cafe Mizrahi in the shuk and is known as the “Ya-Ya Salad.” I haven’t adapted anything in it because it’s simply perfect the way it is, and I can’t wait to share it with you. After I ordered it one day, I bought all the ingredients, went home and tried my …

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